- Group Committee Meetings shall be held as required, but not less than quarterly. Members shall be given at least seven days notice, in writing or electronically, of the date, time and place for the meeting and the business to be conducted.
- Any decisions made shall require a simple majority of the full committee, or a quorum consisting of not less than four members. In the case of a tied vote, the chairperson shall have an extra and casting vote.
- Decisions taken at meetings shall be properly recorded and the minutes made available for scrutiny by the Group.
Next Meeting
Thursday 6th February 2025
The Richmond, 234 Scarisbrick New Road, Southport PR8 5HL
S&WLPCSG AGM followed by:
Ellys Hart & Katie Hughes - Remote follow up workshop
Join us on Facebook and keep up to date with group details and activities
Important Information
Southport & West Lancs Prostate Cancer Support Group offers support and help to members and their families.
Medical advice about an individual's illness should always be obtained from a qualified medical practitioner.