7th January 2016
Christmas get-together - a meal at Fiveways Pub, County Road, Ormskirk4th February 2016
AGM followed by Guest Speaker: Tess Harrison - Macmillan Physical Activity & Wellness Co-ordinatorSubject: Move More Southport & Formby - a new physical activity and wellness programme3rd March 2016
Quiz Night7th April 2016
Guest Speaker: Melanie Riordan - Macmillan Physical Activity ManagerSubject: Move More West LancsFollowed by Knowing Me, Knowing You - A chance to hear from individual group members about their experiences with Prostate Cancer and treatments.5th May 2016
Guest Speaker: Henry ChurneySubject: The lifre of a medical rep and family man - the funny side.2nd June 2016
Guset Speaker: Christine Barnes - Senior Practice Pharmacist, NHSSubject: The Who's Who of Hormone Treatment - what treatment is out there and how it works.7th July 2016
Guest Speaker: Yvonne Trace - Support Group Developement Officer, Prostate Cancer UKSubject: The Prostate Cancer Uk new strategy and PSA consensus.4th August 2016
Summer Social at Southport & Ainsdale Golf Club, Bradshaws Lane, Ainsdale.1st September 2016
Guest Speaker: Justine Shenton - Older Persons' Forum Co-ordinator, Sefton Pensioners Advocacy CentreSubject: Alzheimers and Dementia - the truth.6th October 2016
Guest Speaker: Mr Vishwanath Hanchanale - Consultant Urological Robotic SurgeonSubject: Prostate Cancer - What's new?3rd November 2016
Guest Speaker: Dr Dominic Bray - Consultant Health Psychologist, Southport & Ormskirk Hospital NHS TrustSubject: Living Well.... even if it's not the life you'd planned.1st December 2016
Guest Speakers: Melanie Reardon - Macmillan Physical Activity Manager and Lucy Holmes - Macmillan Physical Activity & Wellness Co-ordinator.Subject: Physical activity, exercise and Cancer.Next Meeting
Thursday 6th February 2025
The Richmond, 234 Scarisbrick New Road, Southport PR8 5HL
S&WLPCSG AGM followed by:
Ellys Hart & Katie Hughes - Remote follow up workshop
Join us on Facebook and keep up to date with group details and activities
Important Information
Southport & West Lancs Prostate Cancer Support Group offers support and help to members and their families.
Medical advice about an individual's illness should always be obtained from a qualified medical practitioner.