For men coping with prostate cancer
"When I was first diagnosed I wanted to talk to someone who had been through what I was facing and to get re-assurance about the treatment choices I was making. I found it invaluable to talk openly to Keith about his experiences".
Perhaps you feel the same as our member quoted above. We can help by listening and by appreciating what you are going through; we can share our experiences with you, and provide information and re-assurance. You and you wife or partner can call us for a chat or just come to any of meetings. You will be most welcome.
We also meet regularly to discuss issues, exchange information, and share experiences. Between us we have a wide experience of treatments and their outcomes. You are very welcome at any of these meetings - there's no need to contact us in advance. We always reserve time to chat informally.
For wives and partners affected by prostate cancer
Wives and partners are involved in all our meetings and events.
We recognise and understand the extent to which wives and partners are inextricably bound up in their partner's diagnosis. They want and need to know what lies ahead, and, in particular, what are the treatment options and implications. They will usually attend clinical consultations, and in the same way they are always welcome to join us at any of our meetings.
They will be able to talk to other wives and partners who have been through similar experiences. Sometimes wives and partners will come to our meetings by themselves in order to get information and re-assurance on behalf of their husband or partner.
Our next Prostate Health Awareness event will be held on Saturday 15th June at the Coventry Sphinx Sports and Social Club, Siddeley Ave, Coventry, CV3 1WA. As usual we continue to use the Graham Fulford online booking system. As a result our events run smoothly with minimal queuing and adequate social distancing. See Coming Events for more detail.
No upcoming events.