Prostate Cancer Awareness Event at St Finbarr's - Saturday 8th September
Saturday, 8th September 2018
This event at St Finbarr's Sports and Social Club was a great success - we tested 65 men! This was excellent, especially after a 3 month summer break.
Again the event went smoothly, and we had time to talk to participants and answer their questions. Thanks are due to our volunteers who created such a helpful and friendly atmosphere.
Prostate Health Awareness Events
Our next Prostate Health Awareness event will be held on Saturday 15th June at the Coventry Sphinx Sports and Social Club, Siddeley Ave, Coventry, CV3 1WA. As usual we continue to use the Graham Fulford online booking system. As a result our events run smoothly with minimal queuing and adequate social distancing. See Coming Events for more detail.
No upcoming events.