CPCSG has been Charity of the Year at Sainsbury's Stroud! Thank you Sainsbury's!
The Sainsburys Stroud Store Manager handing over the cheque to John Copsey with Val Copsey and Eddie Hall.
A huge amount - nearly £7000 - was raised and thanks have to go to all the customers of Sainsbury's Stroud who contributed. Many locals mentioned how pleased they'd been that we held a CPCSG free PSA testing event in Stroud, in May 2017.
Thank you to all the great CPCSG members who have volunteered to collect at Stroud Sainsbury's and to chat to those who wanted to talk - it all counts!
Next Meeting...
Monday 10rh February 2025.
Please note that the Partners' meetings have been cancelled until April, when we hope to find a regular location to meet.
February's CPCSG meeting will be held at the Cotswold Area Civil Servants Sports Association Club (map) from 6.30 to 8pm. Details TBD.
From Natalie Beech of Flourish:
Hello! Hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine! I'm writing to let you know that we've just launched our submission call out for Issue 3 of Flourish Magazine, the free print and digital magazine by and for the cancer community. We're after creative submissions (art, creative writing, essays, photography, film, music & more) on the theme of 'Movement' from those with lived experience of cancer (either yourself or through a loved one). Deadline to send is 10pm on 1 August. Full details on how to apply are here: https://artlift.org/flourish-magazine-call-out-for-submissions-on-the-theme-of-movement/