Steve Cragg (2nd from left) presents Brian and Sheila Cooley with a cheque for £912.73. Steve featured a multi-coloured mohican hair style throughout Movember and raised this money from his generous friends and work colleagues. We are very grateful to Steve and all who helped him raise this enormous sum. Also present is Phil Hanrahan, Healthwise Coordinator at the Queens Diamond Jubilee Centre, Rugby, who invited us to have a stall at the Centre in Movember and put us in contact with Steve.
This presentation took place at the Jubilee Centre on Monday 18th December 2017
Our next Prostate Health Awareness event will be held on Saturday 15th June at the Coventry Sphinx Sports and Social Club, Siddeley Ave, Coventry, CV3 1WA. As usual we continue to use the Graham Fulford online booking system. As a result our events run smoothly with minimal queuing and adequate social distancing. See Coming Events for more detail.
No upcoming events.