I was born and educated in West Bromwich and started my career in the insurance industry in 1967. Mainly working in Birmingham, I gained my interest and expertise in legal liability covers, later dealing with large concerns requiring specialist consideration and covers. I moved to this area in 1999 after both Pete and I got together and later we married. Along the way I had become diabetic but, when struggling in desperation I turned to the Internet for help - and having discovered a few others in the same boat, became a founder member of one the first UK Diabetes support forums, on which I still moderate. Just knowing there were others like me who'd found a way to deal with it, and being able to discuss it without needing to explain 'why this or that is difficult' helps me. It therefore seemed important to look for support after Pete was diagnosed with prostate cancer. It became apparent after we joined and enjoyed the subjects covered at the meetings that our local support group was looking for help with running it - extra trustees and therefore a more diverse decision making body - so here we are!
Jenny Chapman, Trustee
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Our next Prostate Health Awareness event will be held on Saturday 15th June at the Coventry Sphinx Sports and Social Club, Siddeley Ave, Coventry, CV3 1WA. As usual we continue to use the Graham Fulford online booking system. As a result our events run smoothly with minimal queuing and adequate social distancing. See Coming Events for more detail.
No upcoming events.